The Peachtree City Library is accepting donations. The Peachtree City Library ONLY accepts donations that are in IN GOOD CONDITION. The library accepts hardbacks, paperbacks, audio books, music cds, and dvds. The library does NOT accept large quantities or multiple boxes of books. Due to staffing, please donate a few items at a time. Donations can be made in the donations bin on the lower level of the lobby.
The library DOES NOT accept:
Any items that is mildewed, smoky, wet, without a cover, and/or otherwise damaged.
Any item that has been in storage/basement/attics for a significant period of time.
Informational books published before 2019.
Items that are cracked, broken, or missing parts.
Items that are written in or defaced.
VHS or Cassettes
Encyclopedia sets
These items can be donated to a local charity and/or churches such as Better Way Ministries, Clothes Less Traveled, or place in the green Better World Book Bin at the Keep PTC Beautiful Recycling Center at McIntosh Trial. Proceeds from the Better World Books benefit literacy programs through out the United States.